Plan Your Trip

This is the custom trip planning service section of Independent Travel Planning, where ITP helps you discover what’s possible on your next vacation.

Here’s how it works:

Contact me here or at my email address with a basic outline of what you’re looking to do with your next vacation. You might know what part of the world you want to visit already, or you might just know you want to be able to hike some trails or hit the beach somewhere warm during the winter.


Here are some basic pieces of information that will help to initiate the process:

1. Where do you want to go (by country, cities, or simply by recreation priority)?

2. When do you want to go and for about how long?

3. Who will be going?

4. What kind of things do you want to do on your vacation (adventurous sidetrips, cultural experiences, or simply relax with a glass of whatever the locals are drinking)?

5. About how much do you have to spend on your trip?


I will respond to your basic travel info with some questions to further uncover your travel needs and make sure I can provide a quality experience. This can be done through email, by phone, Google Hangout, or even in person if you happen to be in the Santa Barbara area. At this point, I will also provide an estimate of my fee for providing the details so you can relax and enjoy a quality vacation (my rate is generally determined by time required to complete the necessary research and will always pay for itself by saving you time and money).


At this point, payment for the minimum estimated hours required to complete your trip itinerary will be due. I accept credit card (earn those miles and points!) through Paypal or AmazonPayments, check, or cash. The balance of payment is due upon delivery of your trip itinerary.

The #1 priority at ITP is providing my customers with a quality travel experience that will foster their love of travel and help establish ITP as the go-to place for truly custom travel itineraries. Because my services require significant investment of time (the ITP travel itinerary you receive will be completely unique to your trip), I must ask for payment up-front. However, rest assured that I stand by my guarantee of quality, custom vacation itineraries and will refund your payment if that’s not what you receive.


At this point, I have a good sense of what you’re looking for in your next holiday trip and I will go to work providing you with the details you need to get the most of it.

Information you can expect from Independent Travel Planning:

1. Top-notch logistical information on how to get to your destination and getting around once you arrive, including: flight information, train and bus transportation schedules, advice on local transportation options and the cost and time required for all of the above.

2. Several suggestions about where to stay and what each option offers in the way of price/value and proximity to sights, activities, and modes of transport.

3. Activities, sight-seeing, and dining suggestions that are tailored to your budget and interests. This will generally include insights into best practice for when to visit popular sights, how to structure your days to maximize what you can do and see, and things to avoid (tourist traps, museum closures, etc.).


This is your opportunity to ask for clarification or to request that I add/eliminate items from the final travel itinerary. I will also be happy to provide general travel advice or refer you to the best sources of information for any further questions you may have.

Upon conclusion of STEP 5, I will create your final travel itinerary, which will have a general structure, but will also allow you to easily adapt to your whims upon arrival at your destination.

So what are you waiting for? Let Independent Travel Planning take the hassle out of your next vacation and provide you with a custom itinerary that fits YOU!

For more information about the ITP Travel Planner, visit the Bio Page or contact ITP directly on the Contact Page.

2 thoughts on “Plan Your Trip

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